Gaggenau combi-steam oven launch image of ovens in an art gallery


Grand Masters wanted


Social media
Website, UX, design and development
Creativepool, The Drum Design Award 2020

The brief

When it comes to promoting products, Gaggenau needed a central concept that all communications should project: We came up with ‘Grand statements’. Every Gaggenau appliance is a grand statement, either to the purchaser’s peers or to themselves (a statement of intent to fulfil their culinary potential). Each product is then given its own bespoke ‘statement’ at launch.


Social media
Website, UX, design and development
Creativepool, The Drum Design Award 2020
Gaggenau combi-steam advert, ovens in an art gallery, 'Our masterpiece, requires a master'

The idea

A major launch of the remodelled combi-steam oven involved an idea merging three ‘masters’. Still lifes inspired by the Dutch Masters (who, like Gaggenau, originated in the 17th century), chefs who achieve culinary mastery, and the master that brings it all together – the combi-steam oven. The ‘Grand Masters’ campaign was born, with small galleries around the world being sought out to exhibit commissioned still lifes alongside the ovens, presenting art and product with equal reverence. This was a first: the product being displayed outside of the showroom as a work of art.

Visit the website

Gaggenau combi-steam art event, art and waiting staff
Gaggenau combi-steam art event, man looking at oven in art gallery
Gaggenau combi-steam art event
Gaggenau food art event for Steam oven launch
Gaggenau combi-steam art social posts

The impact

This approach helped to create new PR angles and social content that gave the launch more depth and reach while also reinforcing Gaggenau’s cultural credentials. The creation of artistic ‘still lifes’ and a beautiful film revealing the similarities of culinary and artistic creation, all positioned the handmade oven and luxury brand perfectly.

“At last! You’ve managed to communicate and capture the brand in a way I have been searching for 10 years.”

Sven Schnee, Gaggenau
Gaggenau still lifes

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